Martial arts students must take a stand, use their voice against bullying!

Just as parents, teachers, and schools are learning to take a stand against bullying, so can a marial arts student. After all many kids start studying the marial arts because they have experienced some form of physical bullying and want to be able to physically defend themselves.

In the course of learning martial arts the student also learns to calm the mind, appreciate oneself, and develop self-esteem. This goes far in preventing and guarding against verbal bullying.

This article from Wisconsin raises the topic of kids having to face going back to school and therefore having to deal with the start of bullying, seeing their bullies face-to-face. Statistics show that each school day in the year, 160,000 kids miss school because of bullying.

Be an upstander not a bystander! Pediatrician Kelly Hodgson Kline stresses the importance of teaching kindness. She also stresses the importance of teaching kids to use their voice as an upstander: to stand up to a bully or stand up as a witness to others who are being bullied. Relying only on adults does not work as statistically adults only intervene about 4% of the time.

Giving kids attention, addressing the bullying right when it happens, makes a difference. Kids standing up to bullying makes a difference, too.

Remember martial arts kids, physical bullying is only one form. All the martial arts in the world won’t stop verbal and cyber-bullying. Use your voice! And check out this article:

Preventing bullying as the school year starts – WEAU