Ninja, the shadow warrior: drawing from the dark side?

Since the 1970s when Hollywood brought the idea of the Ninja warrior, the Ninjutsu, to the west, several myths and legends have sprouted up, often generated by Hollywood itself. So what is the real down low Ninjutsu?

Ninjutsu was born from a combination of cultural, political, religious and economic forces within Japan’s ancient history. Ninjas were the descendents of noble warriors, the oppressed who teamed up and defeated powerful warlords trying to instill their own form of supremacy.

Stephen K. Hayes, Ninjutsu master who obtained the rare rank of judan, is author of “The Complete Ninja Collection.” He reveals the real story of the Ninja warrior.

Read the full article here:

Ninjutsu Training Myths: Does Ninjutsu Embody the Dark Side of Martial Arts?