Okinawa: the birth place of karate

Karate was born in Okinawa, just below the mainland of Japan, and originally was made to be an education, not a just a combat sport. Most karate schools today are more interested in membership and increased revenue. The meaning of karate has almost been lost in Western culture.

It wasn’t until the early 20th century that Okinawa born karate made it to mainland Japan. “The Okinawan spirit is to ‘just get on with it’. writes a student who recently visited Okinawa to study karate from the experts.

“There’s no shortcut to doing a perfect punch. Just get on with it. If you have to practice 1000 times a day, just do it, whatever it takes, and you’ll learn.”


Read the full article here:

Seeking the true meaning of Karate in Okinawa – Yahoo!7 News