The man behind Bruce Lee: Yip Man, Lee’s formal teacher

Black Belt tells the life story of the man who trained Bruce Lee in the art of kung fu, Yip Man.

In Bruce Lee’s essay on his teacher, Lee writes, “After four years of hard training in the art of [kung fu], I began to understand and felt the principle of gentleness — the art of neutralizing the effect of the opponent’s effort and minimizing expenditure of one’s energy”

Yip Man began his career as kung fu teacher when he entered Wing Chun school and laughed at its kung fu instructor. When the instructor challenged Yip Man to a fight, the little 5-foot-tall, 120 pound old man proceeded to mop up the floor with the 6-foot-tall 250 pound young instructor. The instructor became the disciple of Yip Man and turned over Wing Chun to its new instructor.

Read the full article here:

Yip Man: Wing Chun Legend and Bruce Lee’s Formal Teacher