Five Fundamentals of Shotokan Karate

This video features a karate instructor who teaches the five essential fundamentals of Shotokan Karate for the beginner student.

The instructor first talks about the importance of proper nutrition. Without fuel to burn, your internal engine, the body, will fail to perform. With your body unable to perform, there is no karate. He promotes a balanced healthy diet, either one small meal or one healthy snack every 2-3 hours throughout the day, no sugar, limited to no red meat, and absolutely no fast food, diet drinks, or sodas.

Second, he talks about conditioning. Many students seem to limit their conditioning, or fail to do any conditioning at all.  Working on core strength is most important.  Without proper conditioning, techniques will never get to where they need to be.

Third one needs to work on  flexibility. We need to stretch so as not to injure any part of our body.

Fourth is balance that gives good posture. The center of gravity needs to go straight down through our body.

And fifth, perfect practice. Start a new technique by practicing slowly to gain body memory. Eventually, the technique will go faster and faster. Soon the movement, the technique, will become perfect with speed and accuracy.

Watch the full video here:

5 tips for the Shotokan Karate Beginner