Be prepared to get angry. You might not like these tips on how you can become a better marial artist. Or maybe you’ll learn something you can apply.
5) Read. The masters of the past imparted their wisdom in books for future generations to benefit from them. It’s a conversation with another great mind. Reading, like studying martial arts, is a study of life.
4) Think of others before yourself. An old Chinese saying goes, “You are who you are in relationship to others.” In martial arts, by focusing on your opponent and not yourself your body is able to respond appropriately.
3) Stop making excuses. Not to do is to do nothing. Doing nothing you go nowhere. Do something. If you fail you at least learned something along the path of failure. All humans abhor change, but change is what it takes to study martial arts.
2) Commit. Going at something 150% ensures you’re sure to make it 100%. When doing martial arts you have to focus on the opponent you intend to throw all the way to the mat and beyond. See how hard it is to stop you!
1) Stop lying to yourself. “Know your place in the universe.” Be truthful with yourself. Once you’re commited there’s no stopping. You will become a master eventually, just not today. All human beings are capable of incredible and wonderful things.
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