Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fan Paul Benson from the UK put together this very funny video clip of how the turtle heroes might have sounded if they had originated in the UK speaking British. In this clip when they first meet The Shredder, and then the famous scene where the coin the phrase, “Kowabunga!”, Benson [...]
Aaron Cook makes big comeback and wins the gold at Pan American Taekwondo Open
Sometimes a guy just can’t win; and sometimes he can win big! Like the gold medal at the Pan American Taekwondo Open. Overlooked for the London 2012 Olympics and suffering defeat at the 2013 opening-rounds of the Taekwondo World Championship in Puebla, Mexico, US contestant Aaron Cook finally won the gold at Mexico’s Pan American [...]
BJJ expert Pedro Sauer makes video to improve your lapel chokes
World renowned expert in BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) Pedro Sauer has made a video to improve your lapel chokes. A well-respected seminar presenter noted for his technical accuracy and elegance, Sauer runs one of the largest jiu jitsu organizations in the world with over 250 affiliate schools. Sauer earned his black belt studying under Helio [...]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle toys one of 12 classic toy nominees for the Hall of Fame
On November 7, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will stand up among 12 finalist toys for judging for induction into The National Toy Hall of Fame located in The Strong Museum of Rochester, New York. The judging by the national selectino committee comprised of curators, educators and historians will announce their decisions at the induction ceremony. [...]
Combining karate instruction with psychotherapy for a complete path of wellness
A licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist, Paul Sweetow, teaches karate in Winnetka, Illinois. This 5th degree black belt sensei won a gold medal at the Cincinnati, Ohio Amateur Athletic Union National Karate Tournament on June 29. He studied karate in Japan for one year with Okinawan masters and learned to speak Japanese. He’s been [...]
Karate referee taking out fighters? Or was this staged for our amusement?
It’s hard to know whether to find this video amusing or shocking. It belies all logic. A referee takes out two karate fighters with a severe kick and fairly heavy blows. Several attendees have to pull him off the second fighter. It’s possible this little demonstration was staged in hopes of getting the video to [...]
Australian collegiate to compete internationally in karate for the first time
Can you imagine yourself getting so good at karate that you get to compete internationally? This dream has become reality for Miss Alex Gray of Rockhampton, Australia who will compete in Canada next month. It’s her first International competition, and she expressed a little worry at the level of expertise she’ll be facing, never having [...]
Ripley’s Believe It or Not brick chopping karate instructor doesn’t believe in violence
Kevin “Big K” Taylor has made it in Ripley’s Believe It or Not book for karate chopping through six bricks. With a 4th degree black belt, this multiple world champion and record holder in the sport of speed brick-breaking puts on quite a show, but he’s a sweet, polite, mild-mannered person who doesn’t believe in [...]
Jesse Enkamp, the “Karate Nerd,” invites everyone to blog why they love karate
Jesse Enkamp bemoans the loss of childhood with all its passion for living and big dreams. He remembers wanting to be a pirate, an astronaut, an alien, and a kung-fu master. But along the way of growing up he complains we all are swayed from our passion into a comfort zone. We educate ourselves to [...]
Jackie Chan theme park in Beijing; Jackie Chan Museum in Singapore
Jackie Chan, in cooperation with the government of China, has begun plans to open a Jackie Chan theme park in Yizhuang, a suburb of Beijing. Yizhuang once belonged to Chinese royalty as a hunting grounds. Today Yizhuang has turned into Beijing’s Economic and Technical Development Area. The theme park will showcase five major themed areas [...]
10-year anniversary of Kumite Karate Klassic attracts 30,000 spectators
The 10-year anniversary of Kumite Karate Klassic this past September attracted 30,000 spectators and featured several top martial artists and fighters during this spectacular weekend showcase. Bill Viola, Black Belt Artists and creator of the Kumite Karate Klassic, his father karate legend and martial arts Hall of Famer Master Bill Viola, Sr., World Boxing Champion, [...]
Old film clip of MAD TV on a woman showing off her martial arts technique
This is hilarious. A woman invites her two friends over for tea. They discuss a poor mutual friend of theirs who was mugged at the mall. The woman invites her loving son, a huge football player who has killed four opponents this season alone, to play along with her as she demonstrates her powerful moves. [...]
Tai Chi at its highest form of art
In this video Tai Chi master Yang Zhen He demonstrates high level Tai Chi himself and with his students. Notice the varying ages practicing the art. Watch how a young student practices his technique while walking under a table. The beauty of the movement by the entire class in only highlighted by the beauty of [...]
Talk about conditioning! This martial arts bodyguard trainer explodes off the screen!
How seriously do you take your martial arts conditioning? Ever try working out against a tree? Watch and be amazed as Bajiquan practitioner An Jian Qiu practices his technique and conditioning. He explodes off the screen. After you watch this video clip, the next time you work out your training and conditioning for your preferred [...]
Unbelievable footage of the “Samarai Legend” making incredible sword cuts through vegetables and even a fired bullet!
You will not believe your eyes! Is this video for real? Or a clever trick? You decide! It comes from Japanese television that films a young Samarai expert cutting objects less than 6 mm wide. Isao Machii appears like an ordinary young man, but modest, and self assured. The challenges brought to him starts with [...]
Autistic kids making the grade with karate
Autism is on the rise. Kids who suffer autism are finding help with karate. ATA Martial Arts Owner Theresa Anderson not only believes in kids with autism, she incorporates them into the classes with other kids who have no disabilities. “[T]he key to teaching kids with any kind of disability: we don’t treat them different [...]
Tawkwkondo world champion Sarah Stevenson appointed to 2013 SportsAccord World Combat Games
The World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) has announced the appointment of Sarah Stevenson, Briton’s 67 kg bronze medalist of the 2008 Olympics as an ambassador to the 2013 SportsAccord World Combat Games to be held in St. Petersberg in October. She joins the ranks of current ambassadors double Olympic fencing champion Katrina Aznavourian of Russia, two-time [...]

The science of varieties of martial arts fighting making the body a death dealing weapon
This video tutorial shows the scientific explanation of why muay thai fighting, escrima, and karate works. These computer generated images show how the human body can act as a weapon, with or without hand held weapons, delivering death blows. It begins by analyzing the side kick. It explains how the power comes from the torque [...]
The technique of freestyle fighting using Kenpo karate
Larry Tatum demonstrates Kenpo karate moves in this well-executed video with music. He begins with sparring techniques. He demonstrates how keep your guard up from which you can use defensive as well as offensive moves simultaneously. He hits the opponents hand away, while making a quick strike with his other hand to the opponents head [...]
The technique of moving forward with Kumite karate (in Spanish)
This video, spoken in Spanish, teaches the proper technique and positions for moving forward with Kumite karate. Spanish speaking student will have no trouble learning these well executed karate moves, but even non-Spanish speaking students will understand the universal language of body moves. The video starts off showing the move in slow motion. Then it [...]
Macho Dyna Sparring Gloves Review February 16, 2011
New Site, New Domain, New Martial Arts Equipment Direct January 8, 2013
Mr. Bean Tries Judo – One of My Favorites January 14, 2013
Buying Guide: Karate Uniforms – Everything You Need to Know Before Purchasing January 15, 2013
Taekwondo Spiderman, Yes you read that correctly March 14, 2013
- “The Legend of Bruce Lee” airs for free at FilmOn.com October 7, 2013
- New York Comic Con invites TMNT and Korra for panel discussions October 7, 2013
- Just kicking back in this funny karate street fight demonstration October 7, 2013
- Brown Eyed Girls make pals with Jackie Chan at charity concert photo session October 7, 2013
- Phenominal growth rate in popularity of Nigerian taekwondo creating enthusiasm and problems October 7, 2013
Recent Tweets From MAEQD
- Why would they do this to the TMNT? bit.ly/10TcqIX 4351 days ago
- Very cool Bruce Lee quote slide show for a little inspiration. slidesha.re/10RsvQh 4352 days ago
- Very funny martial Arts web series “Enter The Dojo”. Watch the fist two seasons here. bit.ly/10M2zW7 @RiffraffNM 4353 days ago
- For those on the fence about letting your kids take marital arts. 10 REASONS MARTIAL ARTS BENEFITS KIDS bit.ly/YGJ2r6 @KenneyMyers 4353 days ago
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