Without any overseeing body demanding accountability from karate instructors, karate schools, a highly personality-driven business, can attract the wrong kind of instructor, the kind who has an unhealthy addiction to power and control. Jesse Enkamp, a best-selling martial arts writer, has made some astute observations of the kind of instructors to avoid. He calls them [...]
The release of “The Grandmaster” shows stunning display of martial and cinematic arts
Released in the U.S. on Friday, August 23, 2013, the new film “The Grandmaster” is a stunning work of art of staggering beauty. It’s the tale of Ip Man the martial arts master who near the end of his life trained the legendary Bruce Lee. The photography is rigorous and exquisite. The fight scenes are [...]
Karate ground fighting (ne-waza) technique for civil self-defense
Sensei Lori O’Connell, Canada-based chief instructor in jiu-jitsu, gives good advice and tips in ground fighting. “On the street, the ground is a dangerous place to be. Size and strength advantages are harder to deal with,” says O’Connell. She goes on to explain the ground fighting is not about submission grappling. Defending yourself from the [...]
Nepali junior international taekwondo champions honored
Nepal Taekwondo Association honored Nepali junior athletes who won the Seventh Malaysia Classic International Championship. One silver and two bronze medals were won by the athletes. The silver winner received a cash prize of Rs. 10,000, and the bronze winners received Rs. 5,000 each. Each athlete honored was between 7 and 10 years old. Read [...]
Soul singer Doug Shorts performs a karate chop in his new video
Chicago soul singer, Doug Shorts, a 62-year-old jazz artist shoots his first video “Don’t Sleep on my Love,” demonstrating karate moves. Having performed as an extra in TV and films he looks quite composed in front of the camera. The video background seems to be a dark, foggy nightclub. Near the end of the video, [...]
WWE offers $100,000 anti-bullying grant in “Be A Star”
The WWE has announced it will award four $25,000 grants to qualified non-profit charities focused on developing and implementing anti-bullying programs. Be A Star is an anti-bullying initiative co-founded by WWE and The Creative Coalition whose mission is to encourage to treat each other with tolerance and respect and to eradicate bullying that plagues are [...]
Jackie Chan to demonstrate kung fu at the African Championships in Madagascar
Madagascar will host the African Championships of kung fu wushu from September 5 to 8. Actor, director, writer Jackie Chan is expected to make an appearance and demonstrate the discipline. Six Shaolin monks are also expected to display their talents at the opening festivities. Demonstrastions will display flexibility, fist fighting technique, use of traditional weapons, [...]
Okinawa: the birth place of karate
Karate was born in Okinawa, just below the mainland of Japan, and originally was made to be an education, not a just a combat sport. Most karate schools today are more interested in membership and increased revenue. The meaning of karate has almost been lost in Western culture. It wasn’t until the early 20th century [...]
The Grandmaster: an action-adventure romance
View this clip from the upcoming “The Grandmaster” film, the loosely based true story of Ip Man, master teacher of Bruce Lee. “I was always a big fan of Bruce Lee when I was a kid. I always wanted to learn kung fu,” said Leung, who plays the title role. Ip Man’s love interest, a [...]
20 years of fighting games borrow from Bruce Lee films
Bruce Lee has influenced Western culture in far reaching ways. Nearly every fighting game come out in the past 20 years has taken moves and at least one character from Bruce Lee: Fei Long in Street Fighter, Liu Kang in Mortal Kombat. Take a look at the new “Law from Tekken.” Many of the fighting [...]
Brooklyn Music Academy to present film series honoring Bruce Lee
The Brooklyn Academy of Music will honor Bruce Lee this week with a kung fu film series. Bruce Lee made five films in only three years prior to his death. They intend to run newly restored “Enter the Dragon” accompanied by screenings of other great cinematic displays of wing chun made famous by Lee’s master [...]
Fifth grader Srinivasan wins the 2013 American Taekwondo Association World Championships’ Tournament of Champions
A fifth grade student of San Diego, CA, Arnav Srinivasan, age 9, wins the Sparring and Creative Weapons events during the 2013 American Taekwondo Association World Championships’ Tournament of Champions. A second degree Black Belt with seven state and four district titles, Srinivasan spent most of last year traveling and competing in Taekwondo. Martial arts [...]
Olympics ski champion Tony Dawon and World Taekwondo Champion Kim Yeon-ji to marry in Seoul Korea
Korean national freestyle skiing coach Tony Dawson and former national taekwondo athlete Kim Yeon-ji have announced they will marry in Seoul, Korea on September 14. Kim won the World Taekwondo Championships in 2001 and 2003 lightweight class. She now works for the Korean Olympic Committee. Dawson received a bronze medal in mogul skiiing at the [...]
Photo of NBA player Dwight Howard attempting a karate kick at a man on someone’s shoulders
This photo captures NBA player Dwight Howard fooling around during a recent clinic in South Korea by attempting a karate kick at a man sitting on another’s shoulder. Don’t think Howard will be starring in the next Karate Kid movie; that’s just journalist Dan Devine having some fun with the photo caption. However, Howard’s recent [...]
Poker Pro Jason Somerville once taught karate to tiny tots
Jason Somerville, Poker Pro, discussed his early years in a recent interview about the time he used to teach karate to 100 tiny tots (ages 3-6). It ended when he found himself bedridden, at age 18, with Ulcerative colitis. It was then he decided to follow his heart and become a poker player. He grew [...]
Steven Seagal speaks at New Mexico Sheriff’s Association Conference
Steven Seagal, movie star and more recent TV star of TV drama “True Justice,” spoke last week at the New Mexico Sheriff’s Association Conference to discuss border security. The actor enjoys sharing his knowledge on border security and enjoys giving lectures on the subject. It was only last January that Mr. Seagal was sworn in [...]
Jujitsu master George Kirby’s new book gives detailed descriptions of basic moves with pictures
Jujitsu master George Kirby has recently released his new book, “Jujitsu: Basic Techniques of the Gentle Art — Expanded Edition.” Kirby is a 10th degree black belt in jujitsu and an internationally recognized martial arts instructor and author. While describing the basic techniques he uses point-by-point instruction along with detailed photographs. He describes the shoulder-lock [...]
Johari opens Borneo Cup Taekwondo Championship by splitting a board
Many events are launched by a cutting of a red ribbon, or in the case of the Olympics the torch lighting ceremony, but taekwondo celebrity Johari opened the Borneo Cup Taekwondo Championship held in South Korea by splitting a board. Johari Jemphasized that sports play an important role in building a strong rapport and promoting [...]
Bruce Lee’s teacher Ip Man (YEEP-mun) inspires five films
“The Grandmaster,” which premiers Friday in NYC and LA is one of five films inspired by one of the greatest kung fu masters of all time, Ip Man, who among others trained Bruce Lee. Ppronounced YEEP-mun in Cantonese, Ip Man is reknowned for his Wing Chun-style kung fu. Many say the recent rise in films [...]
South Korea’s Asst Minister of Public Health Dr. Jerip Susil comments on health factors of taekwondo
Dr. Jerip Susil, Asst Minister of Public Health in South Korea encourages taekwondo students in their sport to take care of their health in order to help them achieve their goals. “Taekwondo is a special sport because it needs a lot of movements and this is associated with healthy exercise. It helps not only improve [...]
Macho Dyna Sparring Gloves Review February 16, 2011
New Site, New Domain, New Martial Arts Equipment Direct January 8, 2013
Mr. Bean Tries Judo – One of My Favorites January 14, 2013
Buying Guide: Karate Uniforms – Everything You Need to Know Before Purchasing January 15, 2013
Taekwondo Spiderman, Yes you read that correctly March 14, 2013
- “The Legend of Bruce Lee” airs for free at FilmOn.com October 7, 2013
- New York Comic Con invites TMNT and Korra for panel discussions October 7, 2013
- Just kicking back in this funny karate street fight demonstration October 7, 2013
- Brown Eyed Girls make pals with Jackie Chan at charity concert photo session October 7, 2013
- Phenominal growth rate in popularity of Nigerian taekwondo creating enthusiasm and problems October 7, 2013
Recent Tweets From MAEQD
- Why would they do this to the TMNT? bit.ly/10TcqIX 4352 days ago
- Very cool Bruce Lee quote slide show for a little inspiration. slidesha.re/10RsvQh 4352 days ago
- Very funny martial Arts web series “Enter The Dojo”. Watch the fist two seasons here. bit.ly/10M2zW7 @RiffraffNM 4354 days ago
- For those on the fence about letting your kids take marital arts. 10 REASONS MARTIAL ARTS BENEFITS KIDS bit.ly/YGJ2r6 @KenneyMyers 4354 days ago
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