Traditional karate classes teach formal etiquette such as kneeling and bowing, exercises for training, and basic technique while moving. Most important is the teaching of kata; without Kata there is no Karate and no art. Kata is a series of movements based on principals of self-defense and executed in a specified series of stepping and [...]
Karate and other activities teach kids perseverance
Columnist Solomon Brenner discusses ways to teach your child perseverance, a life skill absolutely vital to success, and knowing when quitting, a rarity, is appropriate. Some children attending action karate classes experience doubts in their abilities or fear of physical pain. Brenner explains that when a child wants to quit a valuable skill like karate [...]
West Valley Utah underprivileged kids excel in Karate
Every Thursday and Saturday night at the Redwood Road Recreation Center two brothers, Nairobi and Arnaud Nodjigoto, and their cousin Abraham Wali exchange work for Karate lessons by helping to transform the room into a dojo training space, cleaning up and laying down mats. The boys ride their bikes six miles to every practice through [...]
Phil Davis jokes he’s watching “Karate Kid” movies to prepare for UFC 163 against Machida
In a video interview Phil Davis jokes he’s watching his “Karate Kid” movies to help him prepare for his upcoming bout in the UFC 163 in Brazil against former light-weight karate champion Lyoto Machida. Davis has learned not to play Machida’s game, but to rely on his own strengths. “I’ve been watching The Karate Kid [...]
Tae Kwon Do master leads disabled young men on to tournaments
Tae Kwon Do master Josh Sharp of Forsyth, Illinois teaches a class of disabled young men and leads them into tournaments. Not just a physical therapy group, Mr. Sharp has worked with these students for many years. The students have formed a special bond with him and each other. Bryan Maple the father of student [...]
90 percent deaf 2-year-old grows up to become Tae Kwon Do Olympian
“People have told me that I wouldn’t be able to talk or function like the rest of society,” Santarose said. “I wanted to prove them wrong,” says Tae Kwon Do instructor Joseph Santarose, 28, of Katy, Texas, who lost 90 percent of his hearing at the age of two when he suffered from spinal meningitis. [...]
Power Rangers encouraged Tae Kwon Do kid to win world medal
Parent encouragement led this Tae Kwon Do kid to become a world medalist. “I just thought I was going to be a power ranger,” says Joel Garcia, 12-year-old world medalist who placed third in his age group one week ago at the international meet in Arkansas. “Then when this opportunity came up, I was just [...]
Karate Kid All Grown Up, Supports Daughter Julia on Red Carpet
Ralph Macchio achieved enduring fame in 1984 when he appeared as the young teenage kid, Daniel LaRusso, who persevered against an injured leg and a dojo of bullies to win a local tournament. Today, nearly 30 years later, he’s the proud father of young Julia Macchio, who appeared in the recently released movie, “Girl Most [...]

Basic Ninjutsu Movement Drills: Falling To Move, and with San Shin
This video is part of the Santa Cruz Bujinkan Dojo video training series. It discusses the basics of moving so you do not give any indication as to what you are preparing to do or which way you may be going. The concept is simple, as you move, your natural tendency is to shift your [...]

Garrett’s Fight – The Story of Garrett Holeve MMA Fighter with Down Syndrome
Garrett Holeve has down syndrome, but that does not stop him from doing what he loves, MMA. Like many others with disabilities, he has found a new life with martial arts and has made him a changed man. Growing up as a child he refused to accept that he had down syndrome. He looked down [...]

Judo Legend Yamashita Selected to Spearhead Efforts to End Abuse
Yasuhiro Yamashita was selected by the Japanese Judo Federation’s board of directors to take control of the boards “declaration to eradicate abuse” with in the federation. Over the past few months there have been allegations from 15 top female judo wrestlers of being physically abused by their former coach, and this has caused huge concerns [...]

Muay Thai Boran Style Training and Conditioning
Video showing ancient Muay Thai training techniques that are still being employed today by many fighters. Fighters utilize natural material such as the banana tree and coconuts to practice kicking techniques and improve hand eye coordination. Many of us have seen the images and video of fighters kicking banana trees with their shins and basically [...]

Epic Knockout of the 2013 Shinkyokushinkai Karate Tournament Russia
I am not much on flashy martial arts techniques being used in fighting, as most of the time it is just ineffective and a waste of energy. But, there are rare occasion where you can get lucky and come out looking like a boss, again it is usually just luck. This is one of those [...]

Taekwondo Spiderman, Yes you read that correctly
A guy that goes by the avatar “TheGingerNinja” on the web, shows off his moves while dressed up as the Marvel Superhero Spiderman. Now I know what you are thinking, why am I posting about this. Plain and simple, it is just pure entertainment, and all goofiness aside, the guy does have some good moves [...]

Buying Guide: Karate Uniforms – Everything You Need to Know Before Purchasing
This karate uniform buying guide is intended to aid you in selecting the right uniform for your needs. This is a must read for those purchasing their first uniform either for themselves or their children. I want to make a quick point on terminology, we use the terms uniform and gi interchangeably. Depending on the [...]

Mr. Bean Tries Judo – One of My Favorites
Mr. Bean (Rowan Atkinson) takes a Judo class and the first thing the instructor wants to do is teach the students how to fall, or be thrown over the shoulder in this case. Not really the best way to start out that training in my opinion, but hey it’s a TV show. Mr. Bean realizes [...]
Macho Dyna Sparring Gloves Review February 16, 2011
New Site, New Domain, New Martial Arts Equipment Direct January 8, 2013
Mr. Bean Tries Judo – One of My Favorites January 14, 2013
Buying Guide: Karate Uniforms – Everything You Need to Know Before Purchasing January 15, 2013
Taekwondo Spiderman, Yes you read that correctly March 14, 2013
- “The Legend of Bruce Lee” airs for free at October 7, 2013
- New York Comic Con invites TMNT and Korra for panel discussions October 7, 2013
- Just kicking back in this funny karate street fight demonstration October 7, 2013
- Brown Eyed Girls make pals with Jackie Chan at charity concert photo session October 7, 2013
- Phenominal growth rate in popularity of Nigerian taekwondo creating enthusiasm and problems October 7, 2013
Recent Tweets From MAEQD
- Why would they do this to the TMNT? 4351 days ago
- Very cool Bruce Lee quote slide show for a little inspiration. 4352 days ago
- Very funny martial Arts web series “Enter The Dojo”. Watch the fist two seasons here. @RiffraffNM 4353 days ago
- For those on the fence about letting your kids take marital arts. 10 REASONS MARTIAL ARTS BENEFITS KIDS @KenneyMyers 4353 days ago
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