Let’s go back to 1990. We are at the end of the megabuster hit film “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.” Remember the ending? The four turtles after defeating Shredder spew forth a stream of adjectives searching for the perfect word to express their uniqueness, and finally, Master Splinters joins in with his own contribution, “kowabunga!” which [...]
Three previews of MMA conditioning workouts by Scott Sonnon
When trading kicks in a striking match and your in for the takedown, how do you get out of falling into submission and turn the tables on your opponent? That depends on your state of fitness. To help you condition and prepare for that match, you need to start working out months in advance with [...]
Bruce Lee infographics to enjoy
Few stars have transcended into the realm of icon like Bruce Lee. His death started a legacy that bridges Asian and Western culture and ideologies. This fan has hand picked some of the best infographics on Bruce Lee around. They were published in magazine, newspapers, and online portals. Enjoy! Read the full article here: 12 [...]
Anti-bullying in action, “Glow Walk” park for mental health
Rita Walston had an inspiration to help bullied children and teens and the money and community assistance just poured on in. She has designed a park with a “glow walk” where kids feeling they have no way out can “glow up in the park.” The park walk has counselors available for those who need it, [...]
The Expendables 3: cast list still evolving
Many have tried to guess the list of stars slated for Sylvestor Stallone’s new sequel of The Expendables, especially after Stallone fired Bruce Willis and hired Harrison Ford. But that list is still evolving. Apparently Willis is not completely out of the picture; there may be a role for him yet. Only one notable woman [...]
Steven Seagal to star in new action film “Maximum Conviction”
Ahh, nothing like a good, action-packed, Steven Seagal film to brighten the entertainment world. Steven Seagal will once again delight audiences with his fighting expertise in the new action-adventure film, “Maximum Conviction,” partnering with Stone Cold’s Steve Austin. The story involves a pair of ex-Black Ops agents going up against a small army of mercenaries [...]
StopBullying.gov trying to make a difference
Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education, recently released the video, “It Gets Better,” to foster safe learning spaces in our US schools. It advocates StopBullying.gov as a resource for parents, teachers, administrators, and students to find ways to help those victimized by and perpetrating school bullying. It lists the proper response to when a bullying event [...]
NBC news story on how to deal with bullying among small school-age children
It’s no longer just a middle school girl problem. Bullying is now manifesting among small children as young as 6, 5, even pre-school. Hilary Benson appeared on KING 5 News for Parent-to-Parent to talk about this problem. Listen to this short video to learn more about how to help your small child stand up assertively [...]
“Stomp Out Bullying” prepares for World Day of Bullying Prevention
Stomp Out Bullying, a national anti-bullying and cyber bullying organization for kids and teens, prepares for its upcoming Blue Shirt Day, World Day of Bullying Prevention on October 7, 2013. Love Our Children USA recognized a need for ending bullying and started the Stomp Out Bullying program in 2005. Based in New York City, Stomp [...]
Kerry Kennedy, advocate of Speak Truth to Power, to end bullying
Kerry Kennedy, daughter of Robert and Ethel Kennedy, is a human rights defender working for Speak Truth To Power (STTP) an education curriculum offered by her father’s legacy: Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights. Kennedy and others realize that bullying in the schools will never end if we merely implementing systems from [...]
NoBullying.com aims to end all bullying
Whether it’s cyber bullying, school bullying, or workplace bullying, nobody likes a bully or to be bullied. The website NoBullying.com aims to end all bullying without violence. It invites any who wish to discuss or comment. Many celebrities have left their words on this site. Read the full article here: NoBullying.com Invites Everyone to Contribute [...]
The Katana Sword
You know that long, curved, deadly-sharp sword pictured with the Samarai warrior? Did you know it is called the Katana? The Katana socially and spiritually defines these medieval warriors of Japan. Complete with beautiful pictures is everything you ever wanted to know about the Katana sword. Read the full article here: KATANA – SOUL OF [...]
The tale of Musashi Miyamoto’s last fight to the death
The tales of Musashi Miyamoto and particularly of his last fight to the death are famous in Japan. This article gives an insightful rendition of one version of the telling. Musashi Miyamoto meets his greatest opponent, Sasaki Kojiro, on a beach at sunset, on the island of Ganryu in the Kammon Straits. This tale has [...]
Way cool moves by Krav Maga master James Sherman
In 30 seconds master James Sherman shows you why you should study martial arts. James Sherman takes us on the real streets and shows us (with actors in a demonstration) what someone who has mastered martial arts can do to protect himself and survive when someone attacks from behind with a weapon, even a gun. [...]
Martial arts student takes down a would be thief
A picture says a thousand words. Take a look at these three pictures and video taken in Russia, where a thief tries to steal a cell phone from a small young woman who happens to be a student of Systema. It pays to study martial arts! Read the full article here: THIEF MESSES WITH THE [...]
Martial arts teaches letting go to achieve Zen
Peter Ralston, author of “The Book of Not Knowing,” is a martial arts champion and runs Cheng Hsin School of Internal Martial Arts and Center for Ontological Research in Oakland, California. In his book Ralston teaches that not knowing is good for achieving Zen. Knowledge is good, but it also loads us up with beliefs [...]
The man behind Bruce Lee: Yip Man, Lee’s formal teacher
Black Belt tells the life story of the man who trained Bruce Lee in the art of kung fu, Yip Man. In Bruce Lee’s essay on his teacher, Lee writes, “After four years of hard training in the art of [kung fu], I began to understand and felt the principle of gentleness — the art [...]
Kelly McCann teaches Indexing for real street fighting
Kelly McCann, president of Crucible, and elite empty hand and weapons training facility, authored the book “Combatives for Street Survival.” In his video “How the Index Position Sets Up Your Self-Defense Moves,” McCann teaches how to use indexing in real street fighting. “An index position is nothing more than a stance you assume in any [...]
Top 10 favorite martial arts of Dr. Jerry Beasley
Dr. Jerry Beasley, Black Belt’s 2000 Instructor of the Year, has authored “Dojo Dynamics: Essential Marketing Principals for Martial Arts Schools. He lists his 10 top favorite martial arts for Black Belt magazine. They are: arnis, kyokushin karate, kobudo, krav maga, muay thai, kano jiu-jitsu, extreme self protection, dirty boxing, and jeet kune do unlimited. [...]
The man who popularized shotokan karate: Gichin Funakoshi
Black Belt magazine tells the story of Gichin Funakoshi, the man who popularized shotokan karate. The man started out as a weak and sickly boy whose parents tried to help him by bringing him to a karate master. Born in 1861 Shuri in Okinawa, he studied karate in primary school, but didn’t show it to [...]
Macho Dyna Sparring Gloves Review February 16, 2011
New Site, New Domain, New Martial Arts Equipment Direct January 8, 2013
Mr. Bean Tries Judo – One of My Favorites January 14, 2013
Buying Guide: Karate Uniforms – Everything You Need to Know Before Purchasing January 15, 2013
Taekwondo Spiderman, Yes you read that correctly March 14, 2013
- “The Legend of Bruce Lee” airs for free at FilmOn.com October 7, 2013
- New York Comic Con invites TMNT and Korra for panel discussions October 7, 2013
- Just kicking back in this funny karate street fight demonstration October 7, 2013
- Brown Eyed Girls make pals with Jackie Chan at charity concert photo session October 7, 2013
- Phenominal growth rate in popularity of Nigerian taekwondo creating enthusiasm and problems October 7, 2013
Recent Tweets From MAEQD
- Why would they do this to the TMNT? bit.ly/10TcqIX 4352 days ago
- Very cool Bruce Lee quote slide show for a little inspiration. slidesha.re/10RsvQh 4352 days ago
- Very funny martial Arts web series “Enter The Dojo”. Watch the fist two seasons here. bit.ly/10M2zW7 @RiffraffNM 4354 days ago
- For those on the fence about letting your kids take marital arts. 10 REASONS MARTIAL ARTS BENEFITS KIDS bit.ly/YGJ2r6 @KenneyMyers 4354 days ago
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