A teenage girl attempts to use a karate kick in this just-for-fun karate street fight demonstration. Maybe the girl should have chosen something looser to wear than her tight denim mini-skirt. Maybe the girl needs to go back to her dojo for further instruction. Maybe the girl needs to sign up for karate lessons at [...]
In dedication to Morihei Ueshiba, the founding father of Aikido
An article appeared in Black Belt magazine back in 1968 featuring the father of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba, who was 85-years-old at the time, and still practicing the martial art of Aikido, bringing down to the mat young men stronger than himself. The magazine tried to get some straight answers from the O-Sensei about the art [...]
Season Two for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles premieres October 12
The second season of the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series begins Saturday, October 12. The first episode “The Mutation Situation” shows how our four turtle heroes have discovered that alien Kraang has survived their last showdown ending the last season. Kraang has dropped mutagen canisters all over the City, and worse, has [...]
Jason Sam wins gold and Outstanding Male Taekwondo Athlete of the 2013 PMG
Jason Sam of the Marshall Islands won the gold medal at the 2013 Pacific Mini Games. By knowing that he would face competitors who were all trained differently seemed to diffuse Jason’s nerves before the competition. After getting through the first round Jason felt more confident, relaxed and strong. His final match put him against [...]
Gold medalist Kelsey Junius hopes to make the 2016 Olympic Taekwondo Team
Kelsey Junius, a junior of South Windsor High School, Connecticut, competed at the 7th annual Pan American Taekwondo Championship in Queretaro, Mexico, and brought home the gold medal. Competing against seven girls in her division she kept her eye on the goal: the opportunity to make the 2014 Youth Olympic Taekwondo Team, and an [...]
Martial arts, dancing, and acrobatics combined: the art of Wushu!
These four videos demonstrate the beautiful, graceful art of Wushu, a combination of martial arts, dancing, and arcobatics. Wushu has become an international sport with required routines at all levels. The first video shows Jet Li at age 8 performing Wushu. The second and third show World Wushu Champion Jade Xu. The fourth is from [...]
Two videos display clever technique and skill to overcome a larger opponent
In these two video clever techniques are used to overcome a much larger opponent. In the first video a woman wins a friendly wrestling match with a man much larger around than her before a huge crowd of spectators at a fair or festival of some kind. She uses a duck under throw that happens [...]
The art of winning a fight is the art of making no mistakes
Joe Lewis says the victor of any sport is the one who makes the least amount of mistakes. Therefore, he has comprised a list of common errors to avoid when training in kickboxing. The first six are as follows: Try to counter when you should lead the attack Failing to step when you punch Rushing [...]
Francisco Filho fights off 100 men in a 100 man kumite
Francisco Filho accepted a challenge to a 100 man kumite. He has to fight off 100 men of varying skill levels one at a time for no more than one and a half minutes each. Filho has actually succeed twice in this competition. After winning the World Open Tournament in 1999, he became a K-1 [...]
BJJ expert Pedro Sauer makes video to improve your lapel chokes
World renowned expert in BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) Pedro Sauer has made a video to improve your lapel chokes. A well-respected seminar presenter noted for his technical accuracy and elegance, Sauer runs one of the largest jiu jitsu organizations in the world with over 250 affiliate schools. Sauer earned his black belt studying under Helio [...]
Jesse Enkamp, the “Karate Nerd,” invites everyone to blog why they love karate
Jesse Enkamp bemoans the loss of childhood with all its passion for living and big dreams. He remembers wanting to be a pirate, an astronaut, an alien, and a kung-fu master. But along the way of growing up he complains we all are swayed from our passion into a comfort zone. We educate ourselves to [...]
Jackie Chan theme park in Beijing; Jackie Chan Museum in Singapore
Jackie Chan, in cooperation with the government of China, has begun plans to open a Jackie Chan theme park in Yizhuang, a suburb of Beijing. Yizhuang once belonged to Chinese royalty as a hunting grounds. Today Yizhuang has turned into Beijing’s Economic and Technical Development Area. The theme park will showcase five major themed areas [...]
Old film clip of MAD TV on a woman showing off her martial arts technique
This is hilarious. A woman invites her two friends over for tea. They discuss a poor mutual friend of theirs who was mugged at the mall. The woman invites her loving son, a huge football player who has killed four opponents this season alone, to play along with her as she demonstrates her powerful moves. [...]
Tai Chi at its highest form of art
In this video Tai Chi master Yang Zhen He demonstrates high level Tai Chi himself and with his students. Notice the varying ages practicing the art. Watch how a young student practices his technique while walking under a table. The beauty of the movement by the entire class in only highlighted by the beauty of [...]

The science of varieties of martial arts fighting making the body a death dealing weapon
This video tutorial shows the scientific explanation of why muay thai fighting, escrima, and karate works. These computer generated images show how the human body can act as a weapon, with or without hand held weapons, delivering death blows. It begins by analyzing the side kick. It explains how the power comes from the torque [...]
The technique of freestyle fighting using Kenpo karate
Larry Tatum demonstrates Kenpo karate moves in this well-executed video with music. He begins with sparring techniques. He demonstrates how keep your guard up from which you can use defensive as well as offensive moves simultaneously. He hits the opponents hand away, while making a quick strike with his other hand to the opponents head [...]
The technique of moving forward with Kumite karate (in Spanish)
This video, spoken in Spanish, teaches the proper technique and positions for moving forward with Kumite karate. Spanish speaking student will have no trouble learning these well executed karate moves, but even non-Spanish speaking students will understand the universal language of body moves. The video starts off showing the move in slow motion. Then it [...]
Calling all kids who want to learn karate!
Calling all kids who want to learn karate! Watch this video and see how fun karate can be for you. Pay attention to the workouts designed to give even a weakling a strong body. Can you imagine yourself demonstrating these very cool moves to your friends? Watch the full video here: karate is the most [...]

Karate tips your mother always warned you against
In this fun, tongue-in-cheek karate video, a young man demonstrates five of his own style karate tips, using two backup fighters behind him who put karate into a dance form. First he demonstrates the “falcon claw” a basic hand strike. Second he demonstrates “a karate body,” in which he shows a “great workout” by squeezing [...]

Oizuki hip rotation technique
This video shows how to make a proper Oizuki hip rotation. First the class practices the moves one at a time together in a line. Next the instructor uses a student to demonstrate proper positioning of the arm, the fist, the leg, and the hip. He explains what to do if the opponent hits back. [...]
Macho Dyna Sparring Gloves Review February 16, 2011
New Site, New Domain, New Martial Arts Equipment Direct January 8, 2013
Mr. Bean Tries Judo – One of My Favorites January 14, 2013
Buying Guide: Karate Uniforms – Everything You Need to Know Before Purchasing January 15, 2013
Taekwondo Spiderman, Yes you read that correctly March 14, 2013
- “The Legend of Bruce Lee” airs for free at FilmOn.com October 7, 2013
- New York Comic Con invites TMNT and Korra for panel discussions October 7, 2013
- Just kicking back in this funny karate street fight demonstration October 7, 2013
- Brown Eyed Girls make pals with Jackie Chan at charity concert photo session October 7, 2013
- Phenominal growth rate in popularity of Nigerian taekwondo creating enthusiasm and problems October 7, 2013
Recent Tweets From MAEQD
- Why would they do this to the TMNT? bit.ly/10TcqIX 4351 days ago
- Very cool Bruce Lee quote slide show for a little inspiration. slidesha.re/10RsvQh 4352 days ago
- Very funny martial Arts web series “Enter The Dojo”. Watch the fist two seasons here. bit.ly/10M2zW7 @RiffraffNM 4353 days ago
- For those on the fence about letting your kids take marital arts. 10 REASONS MARTIAL ARTS BENEFITS KIDS bit.ly/YGJ2r6 @KenneyMyers 4353 days ago
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