Critic Rod Lott admires and highly recommends the new Bruce Lee Legacy Collection on blu-ray. Unlike the DVDs 4 disc collection of his four top movies, the blu-ray collection comes with exciting extras. Along with each of the four movie discs come with a second disc of interviews, trailers, and other material. The ninth disc [...]
Two brothers from the Phillipines win golds at 7th World Tawkwondo Championship in South Korea
Two brothers from the Phillipines, Jefferson and James Louie Callino, both win Kyorugi (sparring) and bronze in poomsae(form), at the 7th World Taekwondo Culture Expo Championship in South Korea. Their father Dr. Jefferson Callino bet them if they won the event he would buy them each a new car. Jefferson, the eldest of the two [...]
Statistics prove being bullied in childhood has serious lingering affects in adulthood
Being bullied in childhood is no longer considered harmless or an almost inevitable part of growing up. Statistics show the devasting lingering affects on adults who had been bullied as children. We now know that things do not “get better with age.” Researchers from the University of Warwick and Duke University Medical Center 1400 North [...]
New Indiana law moves bullying in school from the gray area to clearly black and white
Indiana legislators have passed a new law making schools responsible for bullying on and off school property. It gives schools power, in fact makes them responsible, for bullying by students online or by students away from school. Superindentant of Schools Dr. Jerry Thacker says, “The language is going to ensure there is some consistency and [...]
Film of Bruce Lee’s trainer, “The Grandmaster” is spectacular! Opens August 30th
Don’t miss the spectacular new film opening August 30th, “The Grandmaster,” the story of the life of Ip Man, the man who trained Bruce Lee. It chronicles his life from the start of his martial arts training at age 7, his fight to survive two wars, his love interest Gong Er, his climb to becoming [...]
Martial arts students must take a stand, use their voice against bullying!
Just as parents, teachers, and schools are learning to take a stand against bullying, so can a marial arts student. After all many kids start studying the marial arts because they have experienced some form of physical bullying and want to be able to physically defend themselves. In the course of learning martial arts the [...]
Facebook, Twitter, are you hearing this? Stop anonymity and stop cyber-bullying!
After a string of teen suicides, UK takes strong measures against cyber-bullying by demanding the main social network for teens,, take measures to remove cyber-bullying from their site. It began after the fourth suicide this year that directly linked to that popular website. It prompted some companies, Vodafone, Laura Ashley and the Save the [...]
School children masters of taekwondo say “yes” to training college girls
College girls from St Joseph’s College for women in Alappuzha went in search of taekwondo instruction and found it. However the instructors will surprise you. They are children masters at Little Flower English medium school, Kalavoor and St. Augustine’s high school. The benefits are mutual: the college girls receive the needed self-defense techniques, and the [...]
weapons expert Carl E. Long and swordmaster Masayuki Shimabukuro demonstrate cutting a tatami
Samurai weapons expert Carl E. Long explains how the arm becomes an extension of the sword when demonstrating the fundamentals of the long sword.He and swordmaster Masayuki Shimabukuro demonstrate cutting a single rolled tatami in a video. Long shows the difference between a long sword (30 inches of blade) and a short sword (20 inches). [...]
Do you say these correctly? Karate. Karaoke. Kirin.
This Ohio bred Hawaiin resident blogger responded to a list: “38 problems only people in Hawaii will understand” that went viral Monday catching chuckles and agreement from thousands. One of the items on the list was about pronunciation of certain words. The blogger could relate to it. “Despite my Ohio roots, my years living in [...]
Taekwondo champion and film star Tae-mi makes first pitch in South Korea baseball game
The 2007 taekwondo champion and 2011 star of the film, “The Kick,” made the first pitch of the South Korean baseball game with the SK Wyverns team. Her pitch left the spectators in awe. She tried to top the opening pitch from a previous game by gymnast star Soo-ji-Shin who had wowed the crowd with [...]
CBR Interview with TMNT producers, Sean Astin and Kevin Michael Richardson
CBR caught up with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle producers Peter Hastings and Ciro Nieli as well as stars Kevin Michael Richardson and Sean Astin to learn more about the upcoming Season 2. Hastings and Nieli work hard to embrace the original series. Every time they introduce a new character they go back to the orginal [...]
Bullying not properly handled in all schools
A blogger writes about her friend’s daughter who gets bullied verbally every day and it’s ruining the girl’s self esteem. The teacher told the girl if it isn’t physical abuse it isn’t bullying. “Bunk!” says this blogger. She goes on to cite reported suicides nationwide from bullying, effects of cyberbullying, and the emotional toll on [...]
Video releases honor the life of Bruce Lee in the 40th anniversary of his death
Bruce Lee’s start was just rising as he completed his greatest work “Enter the Dragon,” when death took this great Hollywood icon away far too young. As part of the 40th anniversary of his death being honored in Hong Kong and around the world through a celebration of his life and accomplishments, new video releases [...]
Delhi Tae Kwon Do instructor provides his own home for homeless; Delhi is about evict them
One day a Tae Kwon Do instructor in Delhi, India saw a dog and a baby eating from the same garbage can. The sickening sight changed his perception of the city around him, and he became painfully aware of the multitudes of people abandoned by their families left to die on the streets, many of [...]
Tae Kwon Do teaches UK amputee to fight for his everyday life
Robert McLeod lost his right leg in a motorcycle accident 20 years ago. It took the study of Tae Kwon Do to get him to fight off his depression and fight for his everyday life. The accident took his leg just above the right knee, broke his pelvis in six places, and broke his back. [...]
Kansas DOE give KU contract to research and develop anti-bullying policies
The Kansas Department of Education has given KU a contract to research and develop anti-bullying policies that they hope will help state schools develop and improve similar policies. The work will identify and track several kinds of bullying, including cyber-bullying, relational and physical bullying. KU said Kansas law requires policies that clearly define bullying, but [...]
Tonight! August 20! Encore Drama presents “Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story”
“Dragon: the Bruce Lee Story” airs tonight on Encore Drama at 6 pm PT and ET. The 1993 biopic tells the life story of the martial arts master and film icon Bruce Lee. Read the full article here: Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story –
The five most important steps toward becoming a martial arts master
Be prepared to get angry. You might not like these tips on how you can become a better marial artist. Or maybe you’ll learn something you can apply. 5) Read. The masters of the past imparted their wisdom in books for future generations to benefit from them. It’s a conversation with another great mind. Reading, [...]
Karate expert a favorite in the new Southern Comfort “Whatever’s Comfortable” campaign
Southern Comfort has been airing commercials on their “Whatever’s Comfortable” campaign that highlights a unique individual going about his life his own way with a glass of Southern Comfort in his hand. The latest ad brings back a unique individual from an earlier ad of a man in a hair salon enjoying a shampoo and [...]
Macho Dyna Sparring Gloves Review February 16, 2011
New Site, New Domain, New Martial Arts Equipment Direct January 8, 2013
Mr. Bean Tries Judo – One of My Favorites January 14, 2013
Buying Guide: Karate Uniforms – Everything You Need to Know Before Purchasing January 15, 2013
Taekwondo Spiderman, Yes you read that correctly March 14, 2013
- “The Legend of Bruce Lee” airs for free at October 7, 2013
- New York Comic Con invites TMNT and Korra for panel discussions October 7, 2013
- Just kicking back in this funny karate street fight demonstration October 7, 2013
- Brown Eyed Girls make pals with Jackie Chan at charity concert photo session October 7, 2013
- Phenominal growth rate in popularity of Nigerian taekwondo creating enthusiasm and problems October 7, 2013
Recent Tweets From MAEQD
- Why would they do this to the TMNT? 4352 days ago
- Very cool Bruce Lee quote slide show for a little inspiration. 4353 days ago
- Very funny martial Arts web series “Enter The Dojo”. Watch the fist two seasons here. @RiffraffNM 4354 days ago
- For those on the fence about letting your kids take marital arts. 10 REASONS MARTIAL ARTS BENEFITS KIDS @KenneyMyers 4354 days ago
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