Children learn how to handle conflict and bullying from their siblings. How brothers and sisters relate to each other can serve as a “training ground for bullying, deviancy and aggression through social learning processes or behavioral patterns that can be reinforced across contexts.”How kids interact with each other at home, positvely or negatively, carries over [...]
The release of “The Grandmaster” shows stunning display of martial and cinematic arts
Released in the U.S. on Friday, August 23, 2013, the new film “The Grandmaster” is a stunning work of art of staggering beauty. It’s the tale of Ip Man the martial arts master who near the end of his life trained the legendary Bruce Lee. The photography is rigorous and exquisite. The fight scenes are [...]
WWE offers $100,000 anti-bullying grant in “Be A Star”
The WWE has announced it will award four $25,000 grants to qualified non-profit charities focused on developing and implementing anti-bullying programs. Be A Star is an anti-bullying initiative co-founded by WWE and The Creative Coalition whose mission is to encourage to treat each other with tolerance and respect and to eradicate bullying that plagues are [...]
Jackie Chan to demonstrate kung fu at the African Championships in Madagascar
Madagascar will host the African Championships of kung fu wushu from September 5 to 8. Actor, director, writer Jackie Chan is expected to make an appearance and demonstrate the discipline. Six Shaolin monks are also expected to display their talents at the opening festivities. Demonstrastions will display flexibility, fist fighting technique, use of traditional weapons, [...]
The Grandmaster: an action-adventure romance
View this clip from the upcoming “The Grandmaster” film, the loosely based true story of Ip Man, master teacher of Bruce Lee. “I was always a big fan of Bruce Lee when I was a kid. I always wanted to learn kung fu,” said Leung, who plays the title role. Ip Man’s love interest, a [...]
20 years of fighting games borrow from Bruce Lee films
Bruce Lee has influenced Western culture in far reaching ways. Nearly every fighting game come out in the past 20 years has taken moves and at least one character from Bruce Lee: Fei Long in Street Fighter, Liu Kang in Mortal Kombat. Take a look at the new “Law from Tekken.” Many of the fighting [...]
Brooklyn Music Academy to present film series honoring Bruce Lee
The Brooklyn Academy of Music will honor Bruce Lee this week with a kung fu film series. Bruce Lee made five films in only three years prior to his death. They intend to run newly restored “Enter the Dragon” accompanied by screenings of other great cinematic displays of wing chun made famous by Lee’s master [...]
Steven Seagal speaks at New Mexico Sheriff’s Association Conference
Steven Seagal, movie star and more recent TV star of TV drama “True Justice,” spoke last week at the New Mexico Sheriff’s Association Conference to discuss border security. The actor enjoys sharing his knowledge on border security and enjoys giving lectures on the subject. It was only last January that Mr. Seagal was sworn in [...]
Jujitsu master George Kirby’s new book gives detailed descriptions of basic moves with pictures
Jujitsu master George Kirby has recently released his new book, “Jujitsu: Basic Techniques of the Gentle Art — Expanded Edition.” Kirby is a 10th degree black belt in jujitsu and an internationally recognized martial arts instructor and author. While describing the basic techniques he uses point-by-point instruction along with detailed photographs. He describes the shoulder-lock [...]
Bruce Lee’s teacher Ip Man (YEEP-mun) inspires five films
“The Grandmaster,” which premiers Friday in NYC and LA is one of five films inspired by one of the greatest kung fu masters of all time, Ip Man, who among others trained Bruce Lee. Ppronounced YEEP-mun in Cantonese, Ip Man is reknowned for his Wing Chun-style kung fu. Many say the recent rise in films [...]
Bruce Lee’s Legacy Collection on blu-ray critiqued by Rod Lott
Critic Rod Lott admires and highly recommends the new Bruce Lee Legacy Collection on blu-ray. Unlike the DVDs 4 disc collection of his four top movies, the blu-ray collection comes with exciting extras. Along with each of the four movie discs come with a second disc of interviews, trailers, and other material. The ninth disc [...]
Statistics prove being bullied in childhood has serious lingering affects in adulthood
Being bullied in childhood is no longer considered harmless or an almost inevitable part of growing up. Statistics show the devasting lingering affects on adults who had been bullied as children. We now know that things do not “get better with age.” Researchers from the University of Warwick and Duke University Medical Center 1400 North [...]
New Indiana law moves bullying in school from the gray area to clearly black and white
Indiana legislators have passed a new law making schools responsible for bullying on and off school property. It gives schools power, in fact makes them responsible, for bullying by students online or by students away from school. Superindentant of Schools Dr. Jerry Thacker says, “The language is going to ensure there is some consistency and [...]
Film of Bruce Lee’s trainer, “The Grandmaster” is spectacular! Opens August 30th
Don’t miss the spectacular new film opening August 30th, “The Grandmaster,” the story of the life of Ip Man, the man who trained Bruce Lee. It chronicles his life from the start of his martial arts training at age 7, his fight to survive two wars, his love interest Gong Er, his climb to becoming [...]
Martial arts students must take a stand, use their voice against bullying!
Just as parents, teachers, and schools are learning to take a stand against bullying, so can a marial arts student. After all many kids start studying the marial arts because they have experienced some form of physical bullying and want to be able to physically defend themselves. In the course of learning martial arts the [...]
Facebook, Twitter, are you hearing this? Stop anonymity and stop cyber-bullying!
After a string of teen suicides, UK takes strong measures against cyber-bullying by demanding the main social network for teens,, take measures to remove cyber-bullying from their site. It began after the fourth suicide this year that directly linked to that popular website. It prompted some companies, Vodafone, Laura Ashley and the Save the [...]
weapons expert Carl E. Long and swordmaster Masayuki Shimabukuro demonstrate cutting a tatami
Samurai weapons expert Carl E. Long explains how the arm becomes an extension of the sword when demonstrating the fundamentals of the long sword.He and swordmaster Masayuki Shimabukuro demonstrate cutting a single rolled tatami in a video. Long shows the difference between a long sword (30 inches of blade) and a short sword (20 inches). [...]
CBR Interview with TMNT producers, Sean Astin and Kevin Michael Richardson
CBR caught up with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle producers Peter Hastings and Ciro Nieli as well as stars Kevin Michael Richardson and Sean Astin to learn more about the upcoming Season 2. Hastings and Nieli work hard to embrace the original series. Every time they introduce a new character they go back to the orginal [...]
Bullying not properly handled in all schools
A blogger writes about her friend’s daughter who gets bullied verbally every day and it’s ruining the girl’s self esteem. The teacher told the girl if it isn’t physical abuse it isn’t bullying. “Bunk!” says this blogger. She goes on to cite reported suicides nationwide from bullying, effects of cyberbullying, and the emotional toll on [...]
Video releases honor the life of Bruce Lee in the 40th anniversary of his death
Bruce Lee’s start was just rising as he completed his greatest work “Enter the Dragon,” when death took this great Hollywood icon away far too young. As part of the 40th anniversary of his death being honored in Hong Kong and around the world through a celebration of his life and accomplishments, new video releases [...]
Macho Dyna Sparring Gloves Review February 16, 2011
New Site, New Domain, New Martial Arts Equipment Direct January 8, 2013
Mr. Bean Tries Judo – One of My Favorites January 14, 2013
Buying Guide: Karate Uniforms – Everything You Need to Know Before Purchasing January 15, 2013
Taekwondo Spiderman, Yes you read that correctly March 14, 2013
- “The Legend of Bruce Lee” airs for free at October 7, 2013
- New York Comic Con invites TMNT and Korra for panel discussions October 7, 2013
- Just kicking back in this funny karate street fight demonstration October 7, 2013
- Brown Eyed Girls make pals with Jackie Chan at charity concert photo session October 7, 2013
- Phenominal growth rate in popularity of Nigerian taekwondo creating enthusiasm and problems October 7, 2013
Recent Tweets From MAEQD
- Why would they do this to the TMNT? 4351 days ago
- Very cool Bruce Lee quote slide show for a little inspiration. 4352 days ago
- Very funny martial Arts web series “Enter The Dojo”. Watch the fist two seasons here. @RiffraffNM 4353 days ago
- For those on the fence about letting your kids take marital arts. 10 REASONS MARTIAL ARTS BENEFITS KIDS @KenneyMyers 4353 days ago
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